Buy Washing Machines

Are you looking to buy a washing machine online? If so then you are in the right place because here at Buy Washing Machines we have put together a comprehensive list of everything you need to know before you purchase. We also have a huge range of brands and styles for you to choose from once you are ready to buy.

Types of Washing Machines

There are a number of things you should consider before you buy a washing machine, and one of the main ones to think about is what type of washing machine you would like to buy. There are three main types:

  • Front Loaders
  • Top Loaders
  • Washer Dryer Combinations

Front Loader

Front Loading Washing Machine
Front Loading Washing Machine

Front loading washing machines are a more recent invention and work by loading the clothes through a door that is on the front as opposed to the top. These machines are proving to be extremely popular on the market as they are more water efficient and gentler on clothes.

The main disadvantage of the front loading style is that you cannot open the door while the wash is in progress. This means that if you find any clothes that you forgot to put in the wash you have to do a separate wash later on. However, the benefits of the front loader far outweigh the negatives. There are a myriad of features including overnight timer, heavy and light loads, cycle lengths, temperature control, gentle cycles, iron free cycles, and much more.

Top Loaders

Top Load Washing Machine
Top Load Washing Machine

Top loading washing machines are the traditional machine that has been around for many years. This is where the clothes are placed in to the washing machine via a door on the top and then water is filled in to the drum and the clothes washed by being stirred around by an agitator.

This style of washing machine has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that you can add clothes to the machine whilst the washing cycle is in progress. This is not possible in a front loader as opening the door would cause a laundry room flood. The disadvantages of this type of machine, however, is that they use a lot more water and are rougher on your clothes. Top loaders may not be suitable for delicates, woolen garments and so on.

Washer Dryer Combos

Washer dryer combos are an excellent choice for someone who needs to save space by having one machine instead of two. As the name indicates, washer/dryer combinations do both washing and drying in one machine.

One of the main criticisms of this option is that they do not do either job quite as well. Critics say that the clothes are not fully dried after a dry cycle. Another reason why this option might not be suitable is if you are doing large amounts of washing and drying. A family of four would struggle with a washer/dryer combo as you can only do one load at a time instead of two.

Buying Washing Machines Online

If you are in the market for a new washing machine you have come to the right place. Take some time to browse Buy Washing Machines and look for all the features and functions that you and your family will need in the machine by reading our guides and washing machine reviews. Some careful planning now can save a lot of money and inconvenience in the future.