Top Load Washing Machines

A top loading washing machine is essentially an upright drum which rotates on a horizontal plane, with an agitator or impeller on the bottom. Clothes are loaded in through the top hatch and fully immersed in water for the wash and at least one rinse.

The agitator is a spindle with various fins that protrudes up from the base of the drum and rotates backwards and forwards.

LG 11kg Top Load Washing Machine
LG 11kg Top Load Washing Machine
An impeller is a flat hub which sits on the base of the drum and has protruding vanes. It spins and creates turbulence to wash your clothes.

Unlike front loaders, top loaders are not made to a standard size and cannot have anything stacked on top of them. They also need both a hot and cold tap water connection.

It is usually as easy as lifting the lid to interrupt a cycle to add or remove items, or to change the settings. Because top loaders are accessed from the top, they can be easier for the elderly or people with mobility issues to use and pose less of a danger for children.

Advantages of Top Load Washing Machines

  • Cheaper to buy
  • Usually cheaper and easier to repair
  • Much shorter wash cycles
  • Easy to interrupt or change a cycle
  • Rinse clothes better, especially towels and large items
  • Can be quieter
  • Less vibration, especially on wooden floors
  • Safer for children
  • Less bending down
  • Slower spinning means less crushing of clothes
  • More energy efficient if using cold water or solar-heated hot water

Disadvantages of Top Load Washing Machines

  • Tougher on clothes
  • Use more washing detergent
  • Less water efficient
  • Need both Hot and Cold water connection
  • Spin slower than front loaders and so extract less water from clothes
  • Need more space


Top Loading washing machines are very quick compared to front loaders. Agitators do take up room and restrict the size of articles that you can wash. They can also cause entanglement and damage to the wash, especially if overloaded.

Machines with an impeller are not quite as efficient at removing dirt, but are gentler and spin faster to remove more water.

Usually top loading washing machines spin much slower than front loading machines so they leave your clothes wetter but they are not as noisy.

Because top Loaders fully submerge your clothes in water and spin slower than front loading machines they leave thick textured items, such as towels, softer and fluffier.

Water Efficiency

Although top loading washing machines use more water per wash cycle, the water level can be adjusted to suit the load. Some top loaders have sensors to ensure the correct water level and thus reduce water wastage.

Energy Efficiency

Top loading washing machines can be very energy efficient, especially if you wash in cold water, using as little as half the energy of a front loader. Top loaders have much shorter wash cycles times and moving washing around in a horizontal plane requires less energy than moving it in a vertical plane as with a front loader.

Top loaders draw hot water from your household hot water system, but if you have a solar hot water system, this can help you utilise your energy savings.

Should You Buy A Top Load Washing Machine

  • Top loaders tend not to be as mechanically complex as front loaders, so they’ll be cheaper on average to buy and are generally less costly to repair.
  • They have short cycles so you can quickly do several loads and they rinse better than front loaders but can be less efficient at removing dirt and stains. Clothes will not be spun as dry as with a front loader but will be less crushed. They are be less water efficient than front loaders.
  • If your space is restricted, check the actual size of the machines as they vary greatly. Remember, a top loading washing machine will often take up more than the standard 600 mm space and you cannot stack your dryer above.